
Monday, February 28, 2011

More on Hannah

"My folded clay pieces are like little pieces of nature, a new species. They exist the way sea shells exist...." Hannah Wilke

She puts shapes on many of her paintings and i couldn't figure out what they were, so i kept reading and figured out they were supposed to be shapes of vagina, she put them on some of her paintings of women. Some are just like the clay sculptures, i think its random.. kinda but not really since she is the first artist to REALLY address womens problems. 

She would also put these little creations on her pictures. Now to figure out whats the point of the hair.. I hate hair! :/ EWW

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hannah Wilke1940-1993

So this time I can actaully say my artist's name!:) She was born in New york in 1940 she was one of the first artist to deal directly with female issues. Her art work was made out of unusual things such as lead erasers and even chewing gum (YUCK!) She didn't just stick with one kind of art she became involved in video performance, body art, photography and film! Heres a link to see a lot of her work, also she has a thingy in LA that you can visit if you like her (: Im going to TRY to upload some of her artwork haha. So i'm not gonna lie i do not get her work AT ALL. BUUUTT i will continue researching her and what not, feel free to tell me what you think. So far i just get that she says what everyone else was afraid to say  a short 30 years ago.

Oh heey

I'm on blogger now! (: yay well todays class was helpful now i just need to figure out how to make my blog pretty haha hopefully by the end of the semester  i will figure it out! So we learned a little about a few artist today, but the one that stood out to me the most was the lady that took on different lives and became a different person every six to nine months! That is so awesome that she gets to experience the culture of so many different people, like i have no idea what it feels like to be a lezbian, or asain, or black, or anything other than a white girl! haha but she does! She has so much life experience but at the same time does she herself even know who she really is? she spends so much time being other people that she probably doesn't even know who she really is. Like she doesn't stay in one place for too long so how can she make true friends, or really learn about people. Yeah she is able to meet people and get to know them for a little while but after she leaves and becomes someone new she has to make new friends all over again. In a way its inspirational because she does prove you are who you want to be but at the same time, does she even know who she REALLY is?